Prime Minister Imran Khan has launched the Hunarmand Jawan program on Thursday, Jan 9th. After the formal inauguration of the program, he addressed the youth. PM reminded the youth that this life is full of ups and downs, the difficult times in your life is a message from your Lord to mend yourself and follow the path of Allah. A successful person learns from difficult times, analyses his mistakes and takes positive decisions to continue his journey. He said that Pakistan is the only country in the world which came into being in the name of Islam. He said it is very important for youth to know about the state which Muslims ruled over for 700 years in the past. It was the State of Madinah, a complete and successful model. That state was built on justice and humanity (Insaaf and Insaniyat). This vary concept was the core concept of establishing Pakistan. He emphasized that youth of Pakistan has the capability to make this country a superpower. In past, the largest capital Pakistan owed was the youth which has been spoilt to date due to the lack of quality education and human development programmes. He said, Hunarmand Jawan program is a first step towards the reformation of our youth. He said that 2019 was the year for getting us stable and 2020 would be the year of rising up Insha’Allaah.

PM described the five major steps which underlined the Hunarmand Jawan programme
Developing 500000 skilful youth; in first phase 170000 youngsters would be trained
Introducing New technology including artificial intelligence and cloud computing
500 Technical training centers among which, first 70 centers will be opened in religious schools (Madaris), during the first phase.
300 Smart technical centers affiliated to the international quality technical institutes
National Accreditation Council

In the end, PM told youth about the foreign policy of Pakistan which is not to participate in any foreign war like in the past war on terrorism for which, Pakistan paid a hug price. Pakistan will now, become a peaceful country to spread peace worldwide including between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Pakistan Zindabad