Prime Minsiter addressed to the Nation amid pandemic COVID-19
Prime Minsiter addressed to the Nation amid pandemic COVID-19

Pakistan’s Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan has addressed the nation to share the government’s response to cope up with the virus outbreak. He said that amid the COVID-19 outbreak in China, Pakistan had been started screening people on airports since Jan 15, and the first case affected by the virus appeared on Feb 26, since then Pakistan became very alert about the global crisis. Right after the number of the infected people in the country became 20, the government has created National Security Committee. That committee studied the worldwide approach of the countries like China, Italy and the USA coping with the outbreak. Amid the outbreak Pakistan was suggested to close the country but the country is already in economical shift from the damaged phase towards the establishing phase, (as per the current government’s strategy since in power) in such sensitive economic conditions the government decided to terminate public gatherings of more than forty people and also shut down all the educational institutes of the country.

The PM told that Pakistan has activated the National Disaster Management Authority to be responsible to prepare for the outbreak by arranging all the required health facilities.  

He said that Pakistan has also established a Health Professionals (Doctors) Committee to monitor the pandemic situation worldwide.  

The PM said that President Alvi has been assigned to a two days official visit to China to bring the Chinese experience of handling the crisis and controlling the spread of the virus in the country.

He said he wanted to inform everyone that this virus will spread, as it has been spreading in the world.

He also said that Pakistan has established an Economic Committee to watch impact on the weakening economy amid COVID-19.

He has warned traders for stockpiling and price gouging. Anyone spotted doing so would be punished strictly.  

PM said that he expected the people to understand that no government in the world can deal with such emergency alone, so every person has to understand their role. He urged people to abide by the 5 precautions, in all cases :

  1. Avoid all types of gatherings.
  2. Wash hands as it’s what our Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم ) commanded and told us that cleanliness is half of the faith.
  3. Avoid meet up with people coming from abroad for at least 2 weeks, because the virus is coming from abroad.
  4. If you get flu then must not rush for coronavirus-test, because the country has no capacity to test every person unless there is a genuine case. He said 90% people with flu get better by self care.
  5. As Muslim no one should be worried about the situation but must keep all the precautions as our Prophet ( صلى الله عليه وسلم ) said to tie your camel along with asking help from Allah.

He assured the nation that the government is aware of the suffering of the Pakistanis living abroad at the moment of pandemic and realizes the pain of their parents and families in the country, he said the government is trying its best to deal and surpass this crisis.

He said he want to convey the message to all health professionals that the government will support them with their full capacity and it’s a jihad that they have to fight and win.

The PM urged the religious scholars to educate people how to deal in this crisis.



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