Authors: Noor Ul Ain Ameer and Anoosha Malik

(This article is an assignment of a student of International Islamic University. All the information is their personal effort hence no involvement from this website)

Freelancing is doing particular work for clients without committing to full-time employment. Freelance jobs are for skills and services such as designing, programming, marketing, etc.

A freelancer is a self-employed individual who gives services to clients and frequently to more than one client at a time. Freelancing could be a quick and inexpensive mode to start working as your own boss, often from the consolation of home.

What are the advantages of freelancing?

Flexibility of Time and location

Freelancing is a flexible job that you can perform while traveling. You can set your work hours.

Setting your own rates

You may control your potential earnings by setting your own rates. Highly experienced freelancers charge much more than new sellers. It means that as you upgrade your skill and learn new you can increase your rates.

Market Exposure

As in freelancing you could select your clients and projects you have opportunity to expand significant relationships with companies from around the world.

How to become a successful freelancer?

Any success demands a lot of efforts behind. Similarly success in freelancing is also a demands plenty of efforts. In reality, many people who have determined success there are simply as many people who have failed too. So how exactly can you be a successful freelancer and attract extra clients? Here are the few most important steps commonly suggested by experts and experienced freelancers.

1- Learn skills

Learning skill(s) is essential to becoming freelancer and learning a skill that is in demand is more important. To become a successful freelancer, you should keep learning because learning new things and new skills enhances your exposure and knowledge.

2- Join a freelance market place

A freelance marketplace means a place where sellers offer their services by displaying their portfolio and buyers access the seller and use their services for the promotion or creation of their business, brand, and product.

Several sites are considered freelance marketplaces. The top two are Fiverr and Upwork

The first aspect is to sell your service in a place full of individuals who need it. Create profiles on freelance platforms to widen your connections and get your name accessible. This way, agencies, and professionals will recognize where to discover you, and you are surrounded by not nothing but potential clients.

Upwork is one of the many options for it. You enter all of your skill sets, experience, education, portfolio, and other basic information. This way clients can view your profile and determine whether or not you are a match for the task they need to be carried out. Through platforms like this, clients may also ask extra queries to get to know you better before they hire you.

3- Develop communication skills.

Written English is very important for interacting your clients worldwide. Healthy communication is an excellent foundation for any commercial enterprise. Powerful communication at the place of work is important thing in establishing sturdy relationships and getting important tasks carried out, particularly when you are handling freelancing and remote collaborators.

4- Be active and responsive

Be quick to response the client’s messages. Do not show tantrums in your phrases. A pleasant, smooth message indicates your flexibility and professionality.

5- Don’t hesitate to work with others

Do not be too overconfident and overwork yourself. If a person hired you for a massive task that you are not able to do on your own, then tell the client that you will need to work with someone else for this. Do not take the credit yourself, mention the people who work with you. Clients exceptionally value honesty and transparency.

6- Spare time for yourself

Get time for work out because freelancers spend lots of time sitting at their desks. In the event that they do not indulge in physical, recreational sports, they may go through fitness issues. Weekends are your family time. Hang out with buddies and family. Do not overeat at work. Keep a balanced diet. Get at least eight hours of sleep. Do not sit down continuously on your seat for over half-hour. Take a five minutes break. Take a stroll or walk a talk. Listen to your preferred thing before you start your work. Write notes while you wrap up the work at the end of the day. See what you have done in a single-day and note what is pending. Prioritize pending obligations for the next day.

There are some skills that you can start working with:

  • Graphics and designs
  • Digital Marketing
  • Writing and translation
  • Video and animation
  • Information technology
  • Database management
  • E-commerce

Future of freelancing in Pakistan

Luckily freelancing is the destiny of the work enterprise for the country like Pakistan. Within the previous couple of years, it has turned out to be an incredibly adaptive profession and a massive range of people are starting freelance businesses not only in Pakistan but everywhere in the world and this range is growing rapidly in Pakistan.

 According to skilly Pakistan website, in Pakistan, there are greater than 1,000,000 freelancers who are contributing to Pakistan’s economic system. In recent times, each enterprise has desires to beat its competitor within the virtual world, and lots of new businesses are on the list.

Abrupt conclusion

While freelancing has many advantages, there are also some disadvantages such as scam, job insecurities, unplanned workload, sudden discontinue of a skillset due to advancement and inconsistent cash flow.         

Author can be reached at: (freelancer).


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