Praying five times a person can fight with many diseases including novel coronavirus
Praying five times a person can fight with many diseases including novel coronavirus

I’ve a low immunity. Then how am I surviving during this alarming outbreak the COVID-19? The thing that keeps me from germs attack, even before the novel coronavirus, is simply offering the obligatory prayers. I was not aware of this before, I have just realized it during this pandemic. It means that if I had not been praying 5 times since many years (all praise due to Allah), I would be living an indisposed life prone to all contagious diseases and seasonal allergies.

This also means that Allah has a perfect plan for each of His 7,000,000,000 + people around the globe. Everyone is a fighter and resilient in their own manner. Some have good faith and others have good immunity for example.

Signally this health benefit is solely owing to the first condition of praying, which is called ablution (wudu or purification of the parts of the body, before praying).

So if this great is the benefit of ablution only, what would be the benefits of praying itself?

Allah says in the Qur’aan:
And maintain the prayer. Indeed the prayer restrains from indecent and wrongful conduct. 29:45
One who prays five times a day should undoubtedly know that Allah has shielded them from executing many indecent actions regardless how much wrongful they are currently, prayers definitely control the exponential factor of the wrong actions.

Interestingly these benefits of praying five times are when a person prays without perfection (as most of us pray without concentration, just in order to fulfill the duty), hence one can imagine if praying without perfection has this much health and moral values than what excellence would the person attain while praying with concentration and near perfection?!


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