Italy most affected country from COVID-19 after China
Italy became the 2nd worst affected country, from COVID-19 after China

Italy has became the second largely affected country in the world with 24,747 confirmed cases, after China where the number of confirmed cases has recorded as 81,077 so far.

According to ITV news website the first person to test positive in the north of Italy who had not been to China was confirmed to have coronavirus on February 21. By that stage the 38-year-old man had already infected his wife and several doctors, nurses and patients at the hospital where he had attended with flu-like symptoms three days earlier. Experts now think the virus may have been present and spreading in northern Italy since at least the second half of January.

World Health Organization (WHO) in a media briefing on COVID-19, has urged every single person around the globe to know their role. The Director General of WHO said that it’s going to be difficult but it’s temporarily. He said that initially the organization was worried but eventually many countries have supported the funding and now things are getting better. He said that the organization is now seeking support from private sectors as well as from the global citizens. He also said that this virus is our common enemy but our unity will break the virus.

The organization said that at the moment the total number of children affected by the virus is not available, though it’s mild among the children and could be because the schools in the most parts of worlds have been closed.

Iran, Republic of Korea, Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland and United Sates of America are the other most affected countries reaching the toll of confirmed cases to 150,900, and the death toll to 9828, according to the WHO statistics.


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