Writer: Huma Shaikh

US Dollar hit 150 Pakistani Rupees, this is a real *breaking* news of the week and would have long lasting impact on Pakistan’s economy, as predictions are that in coming two years the value of Rupee will down to 50 percent against USD.

What would happen in this situation? Inflation will rise *more*. Ramadan
is a good opportunity for sellers to grab their customers. The rates for all food items are already high in specifically in Ramdan that it’s very difficult for the middle class to afford it. Ramadan is also time for Muslims to pay Zakat and followed by the celebrations of Eid- al-fitr (let’s not talk about eid-al-azha). This is all about having extra budget for the month.

Devaluing of Rupee would badly effect the income of middle class and lower middle class. People of the country are already worried and burdened with increasing utility bills and other taxes.

As Dollar price is getting higher it is disappearing from the market. Money changers are selling dollar in black. Every one is worried about what is happening? Where we are going? Salaries will not increase but the purchasing power of is shirking due to the increasing inflation. We are in a critical condition. One should be worried, but worries are not the solution.

We should find the solution of this problem. Honestly speaking we should
not blame the current government. The reason is this has to be happened doesn’t matter who is ruling the country at this moment. We should realized that the dollar price was artificially maintained in the past government and can not be prolonged for a longer period. We should out from the political favoritism. The bitter truth is that our economy is down and therefore Rupee is going down. In my opinion currently all Pakistanis should be on one page. Please get rid from this “Patwari” and “Youthia” slangs. Be prepared and be sincere with Pakistan. Let be united and seek the ways to boost our economy. Add your share. Together we will find the solution in- sha’Allah.


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